ECC Executive Director Robert Dillon Joins OurEnergyPolicy Panel Discussion

On Wednesday, March 1, OurEnergyPolicy hosted a discussion on competition in energy markets and issues of cost, reliability, and resilience. The webinar featured the Executive Director of Energy Choice Coalition, Robert Dillon, along with Liam Baker, Senior Vice President of Eastern Generation; Todd Snitchler, President and CEO of Electric Power Supply; Emily Sanford Fisher, Executive Vice President of Clean Energy at Edison Electric Institute; and Nick Loris, Vice President of Public Policy at C3 Solutions.

The expert panelists discussed how the rapidly increasing demand for electric power, in combination with frequent climate shocks, exacerbates concerns around reliability, resilience, and keeping costs low for consumers across the power sector.

Additionally, the participants examined how competitive markets employ a decentralized approach, utilizing a consumer-centric framework to determine investment priorities while shifting the risks of energy asset investments away from ratepayers to private sector investors.

To view the full summary of comments, click here. To enjoy the full webinar recording, watch below.